Untitled (baroque), 2018
Inkjet-print, 200 cm x 140cm

“ La ricchezza di dettagli nell’espressione pittorica e i disegni sottili. I corpi sensuali dietro il materiale filmico.
La scelta della piega e la vista di centinaia. ” *

When analyzing Baroque sculptures and paintings, it's as if you can almost touch them with your eyes. There's a sense of movement and a desire to look beneath the surface to fully appreciate the craftsmanship and attention to detail. These works of art are so lifelike and realistic that they almost seem to come to life before your eyes. The scenes depicted are so vivid and detailed that you feel as if you're right there in the moment. Overall, viewing Baroque sculptures and paintings is a truly immersive and sensory experience.

*The wealth of details in the painterly expression and the subtle drawings. The sensual bodies behind the film material. The choice of the fold and the view of hundreds.

© Irene Rainer